Children’s Saturday art workshop: stipple and stencil 16th June

The five week workshop with enable children to create a portfolio of animal prints: crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, star fish and more. Suitable for children aged 8 – 12 (places limited to 8 children) quality materials are supplied and children keep their work. Workshops start on Saturday 16 June, 4 – 5 pm and run […]

Animalympics! children’s art exhibition

Guinea Pig Roller-Blading, Hare Hurdles, and the Slow Race for snails?  These are just a few of the fun sports that children from across Waltham Forest dreamt up for the Animalympics Art Competition set by E17 Art House Picture Framers and Gallery. Children were given the opportunity to create pictures of their own fun Olympic […]

Welcome to the Stow – 125 Years of East End tradition

Walthamstow market is the longest daily street market in Europe, based on what was a 19th century rural lane called Marsh Street, it was transformed into the High Street by Victorian expansion. The market has been feeding, clothing and supplying everything and anything to the East End and beyond for over 125 years, and at […]

Mill on the Street – Cities

An exhibition of Street Photography @The Mill including Christian Mantio’s New York streets and Wendy Le Ber (Padmayogini) & Helen Porter’s London Views opens on March 6. Street photography is growing in popularity and at its heart street photography is about the well captured moment on the streets. “Street photography is easy and it is […]

Love is enough – William Morris inspired art 7th Feb – March 3rd

The Mill is very proud to be hosting this exhibition organised by Friends of the William Morris Gallery. This group exhibition based on William Morris’s poem of the same name, will be open from Tuesday 7 February till Saturday 3 March.   Free events during the exhibition 1. Grand “meet the artists” night on 14 […]