Arts in the park: sound tubes

Saturday 9 June at 10.30am – 1pm and 2pm – 4.30pm.

sound tubes

David Barnett of see ‘n’ make is holding Adult workshops (aged16 +) to create sound tubes, also known as rain makers or rain traps. Help create the sound by using filters and natural materials such as chick peas. Decorate the exteriors.

Tubes will be exhibited in Langthorne Park, Leyton E11. Sound tube kits and all materials provided. See example of what you will be creating @The Mill’s reception desk.

Saturday 9 June 10.30 – 1.00 and 2.00 – 4.30.  Price £5.00 per person for the day, payment to The Mill (to cover hire of space). Pre-booking essential, maximum 8 people.