3 August – Get ready for the Carnival of the Animals!

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Get ready for The Carnival of the Animals! A celebration of the Wildlife Recycled sculptures

Saturday 3rd August
2pm -5pm

Come and hear animal poems and songs written by children and adults from Walthamstow or bring your favourite animal poems and songs to share! Ogden Nash and other favourite authors. There will be animal fun and games, face painting, animal biscuits! Our favourite Grow your own theatre is doing a drama session for 5 – 7year olds (approximate time 2.30) then a mini performance (approximate time 3.15) NB small donations for some activities!

Do you want to be considered for the Mill’s poetry anthology? This is open to children and adults, you can submit up to 6 poems on the theme – ‘animals’. The animal poems MUST be based on the animals currently at the Mill – please come in and see them. Closing date 11th August. First poem £2, additional poems £1 each

For more info email mo@themill-coppermill.org