TinyTalk Baby Signing Classes

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TinyTalk Baby Signing Classes  
Tuesdays:  2-3pm
Two free taster sessions on 19th and 26th August.
Term time from 2nd September to 14th October

New for September 2014! Award-winning baby signing classes are coming to The Mill. Baby signing helps babies to learn to communicate before they can talk. TinyTalk classes teaches baby sign language to babies and their carers through song, activities and stories. The sessions include sensory activities and social time. Once your baby is signing, you will no longer have to guess why they are crying (tired, hungry, hot cold). Your baby can tell you what they like and what has grabbed their attention (e.g. signing “swing” when entering the park or “book” when they would like a story).

Please join us for one of the two free taster sessions at the Mill at 2pm on 19th and 26th August. Please get in touch to reserve your place.

Contact details

E: rosev@tinytalk.co.uk

T: 07770 531 075

W: www.tinytalk.co.uk/rosev

FB: Tinytalk Walthamstow