9 July: Two original dramas by local teens!

The Mill is pleased to announce the premier of two new dramas written and performed by local young actors! We are so happy to see the third show of this up-and-coming theatre group led by Sarah Chase, who have been with The Mill from the beginning!

The Theatremakers (8-11yrs) and Youth Theatre (11-15yrs) have been working together to create their new shows from Scratch:

Pranksteria v Angelica (Theatremakers 8-11yrs) is an epic tale of Good v. Cheeky, while

Going Viral (Youth Theatre 11-15yrs) is a world of LOLcats, hashtags and Youtube…

Both shows Tuesday 9th July 6.30&7pm at The Mill with a Q&A reception afterwards.

You can reserve tickets free of charge at the Grow Your Own Eventbrite site

We’ll be starting again in September, with a possible summer holidays taster. Visit  www.growyourowntheatre.co.uk  to join their mailing list.