All speed ahead for The Mill and Lea Bridge

P1020132It was all speed ahead this month for The Mill and Lea Bridge.

We spent March meeting and talking with lots of local people. Using everything we were told, we have reported to the council on the community’s profile and interests. We owe a big thank you to everyone who has taken time to tell us about the community, and to help us to see all its opportunities, its resources and its challenges.

The next stage is to launch a competition for groups to use the community space, so that residents can run activities for free for all the community. This will happen after the Easter holidays. We’ve also been in touch with people who might be interested in forming a steering group for the project – this will allow local residents to make decisions about how their own community spaces can best be used, starting with judging the competition for free room hire.

And we’re going to be working with loads of people to help publicise everything about the project. The wider word spreads among residents, the better!

As the project and its activities attract more attention, we are open to ideas from everyone in the community. So we are about to take over some of the big notice board in the library to put out lots of information, and install a post box so that people can communicate with us with any ideas they have. We’ll be putting up a list of times we’ll be in the library to talk with people, too.

The notice board will carry all the information about the project you need, and so will this blog. The competition to hire the space is coming very soon – so head down to Lea Bridge Library to find out more, or watch this space.