Our exhibition until 24 March – We Love Walthamstow


Susan Ayres (L) and Abbie Dodd (R)Come and share the love at The Mill by visiting the ‘We Love Walthamstow’ free exhibition, currently showing until 24 March.
The idea for the exhibition was coined by resident volunteer and art curator, Mo, to celebrate the local area in all its brilliance.Thankfully, recent challenges to our brilliant area have been overcome. The exhibition is a celebration of our unique, diverse and vibrant borough through the eyes of your fellow residents depicted through photography, prints, paintings, fabric art, drawings, stone carvings and words. 

Contributions include a group effort by teenagers – including Susan Ayres and Abi Dodd (above) – as well as local photographers Paul Lindt, Paul Tucker, Simon Warren and Simon Saunders, and retired cinematographer from neighbouring  E10 Nigel Mantell, who added another dimension to the exhibition  with his limestone carving.