Poetry night tonight

Rebirth, recycling and resolutions – yes, it’s the New Year themes for Poetry at The Mill on Wednesday evening, 4 January.

Looking forward to seeing old and new friends, who enjoy hearing poetry read aloud and/or reading it themselves.

Bring your own or other people’s poetry, or just come to listen, or choose something while you’re here. It doesn’t have to be on the themes – bring anything you’d especially like to read.

Usual time, first Weds of the month: 7.30m at The Mill (former St James Street Library,), 7 Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow, near Blackhorse Rd tube, St James Street overground and bus stops for 158, 230 and W12. Suggested donation £1 towards room hire.

Hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you a happy and poetic new year,

Janet and Dave