
Nat’s story

I live locally and have always known about The Mill but I only really got involved about 3 years ago.  I met Mo who’s the person who is the driving force behind Art Works.  The Mill was looking at ways to raise money and Mo asked me if I had an idea.  That’s how the Postcard raffle (Greatest Little Art Show) was launched.  Mo and I realised that between us we knew 100 artists.  So we contacted everyone locally – professional artists, amateurs,  schools and asked for a donated art piece for the raffle.   A highlight for me was when Grayson Perry sent us a piece!

Since then I’ve led on several exhibitions and I get involved at Meet the Artist nights. I encourage everyone I know to help out and volunteer.  One highlight was a friend of mine, who’s film director came to one of our nights and through that  provided work experience for a student at Whitehall who was exhibiting.   On these events I set up the refreshment table and as we’ve a dry bar at The Mill I’ve come up with some inventive cocktails including The Mill Mijoto and the Coppermill Sunset.

Alongside art, catering is a real passion for me.  Few years back I set up a monthly Souper Wednesday.  A few months ago I re-launched it and it has been so popular we now make it a weekly event.

I’m a ‘suck it and see’ person and The Mill gives me the chance to give my ideas a go.  My dad was a coalminer and work incredibly hard doing something he didn’t love.  Compared to him my life is a dream and I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had at The Mill and the great friends I’ve made.

I’m a ‘suck it and see’ person and The Mill gives me the chance to give my ideas a go.