Drawing and Creativity Workshop

Drawing and Creativity Workshop

Thu 13 March, 2025 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Garden Room

A 5-week drawing course full of inspirational drawing projects: a classic mix of essential drawing theory and varied subjects. Lots of fun and suitable for everyone. Beginners welcome.

NEW to The Mill in Walthamstow this is a popular drawing class that focuses on observation, line and pencil drawing. Consisting of simple concepts and practical techniques it is suited to everyone, no previous experience is required. Every session has planned content and takes varying approaches to help you build up your own techniques and style.  All materials are provided.

Buy your advance ticket via Eventbrite or email Debora to secure a place and pay by card on the first day.

Debora Cane, is an enthusiastic art tutor with 40 years’ experience of teaching art and ceramics to adults. Following a brief pottery apprenticeship with Chris Soule in the 1980s, she studied ceramics at Medway College of Design and set up her own ceramics studio, which she ran in Cambridge for many years. In recent years she has expanded her interests as an artist to include digital art and pen & ink.

Price: £125

Organiser's website: Debora Cane Art Classes

Ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drawing-creativity-workshop-february-2025-tickets-1085798575769?aff=oddtdtcreator

Contact Name: Debora Cane

Contact Email: deboracaneart@gmail.com