To all our loyal friends and supporters PLEASE will you all do me a huge favour – I would like to decorate The Mill with Festive Cards in December. Will you make me a lovely Christmas/ New Year/ Eid/ Chanukah/Diwali/general purpose Celebration Card and hand it in at the Mill. I want to festoon the […]
Latest News
November Update
November has been an activity-packed month. The older people’s club, Asian women’s support group, knitting group, homework club, gardening group, drawing group poetry group and other activities have gone from strength to strength while new activities are being started up all the time by keen local people, a number of them benefitting from support from our small grants.
People power brings heating to The Mill
Finally, we are getting some heating for The Mill. At Monday’s High Street Ward Forum, popular demand persuaded the High Street Ward Councillors to crucially award £7,000 towards the cost of installing heating at The Mill. We needed nearer £9,000, however public donations, and support (like room hire) for The Mill have been so generous […]
October update
October has been an incredibly busy month at The Mill. Following on from September’s launch, we have consolidated and developed our programme of activities – as can be seen from our developing programme and reportage on the website. As activities have started and developed, we have also started to earn room hire, which is crucial for our long-term sustainability.
The Mill Book Club
The Mill welcomes you to join our brand new book club! If you’d like to explore novels a little deeper before putting them down, need a little encouragement to start that book you’ve always wanted to read or even if you just wish to revisit some of the books you studied at school, this is […]
August update
What’s been going well and why? We have taken a large step forward by recruiting three members of staff for The Mill, who will oversee much of the day-to-day work to establish the building’s role at the heart of Walthamstow. Natasha, Nathan and John have already started taking over the vital task of administrating the […]
The Mill opens its doors!
After years of campaigning, months of renovation and a late night dash to get the building ready, The Mill finally opened its doors on Saturday the 6th of August. We’re not opening properly until September but during August we’ll be working to get more rooms ready and finish the three rooms that are open already. […]
The Mill Newsletter – August 2011
Click here to read our August Newsletter in PDF format Or have look at the Waltham Forest Guardian’s article on the renovation going on at The Mill.
Working hard to renovate The Mill
It’s been a hectic six weeks at the Mill, as dozens of volunteers have helped restore and repair this neglected building into a community hub for use by everyone in Walthamstow. Our highly skilled and invaluable squad of young architects and designers, interning at The Mill, have worked around the clock to plan and then […]
Enter the Walthamstow International Film Festival 2011
Anyone with the desire to pick up a video camera has until the 31st of July 2011 to submit their short film to The Walthamstow International Film Festival 2011. The Mill will be one of five Walthamstow venues hosting the festival, now in its second year, so films from around the corner and around the […]