Art Works at The Mill

Art Works coordinates creative and cultural activities, exhibitions, workshops and events at The Mill, and engages local people in making, showing and experiencing all kinds of art.

Our belief

Imagination and creativity can help people to see and experience things differently, to express themselves and inspire others.

Our aims

  • To contribute to The Mill’s overall aim to reduce isolation and build a strong community.
  • To celebrate the creativity of all sections of the community: all ages and abilities.  We especially welcome anyone who might feel marginalised or intimidated by traditional art venues.
  • To present projects that concern the community.
  • To empowered people to get involved and learn new skills, leading to an increase of social confidence and well-being.
  • To present regular exhibitions with accompanying events every year.

 I never knew there were so many talented people here

A Mill Regular

Inspiration to get involved

The opportunity to exhibit and view art has brought many hundreds of people into the building, and inspired them to become involved – either as exhibitors, volunteers or users of the community spaces in The Mill.

I love exhibiting at The Mill, I feel so welcome

Keen amateur painter

Get in touch

For more information, sign up for our Art Works mailing list or visit How to exhibit at The Mill.

The Art Works team is run by volunteers,  if you’ve an exhibition idea that could help us achieve our aims, or are interested in joining our volunteer team, please get in touch 



 A great little exhibition – interesting and inspiring!

Ink, Press, Go! visitor