Understanding Panic Attacks

Understanding Panic Attacks

Sat 30 November, 2019 11:00 am - 12:20 pm

Meeting Room


This lecture will concentrate on handling panic attacks as natural response to stressful or dangerous situation. Panic attacks are not physically dangerous but they can be very scary. People who are suffering panic attacks experience sudden and intense fear lasting between five minutes to a half-hour often accompanied with physical symptoms as chest pain and discomfort, rapid breathing, feeling breathless, sweating, feeling very hot or cold, feeling sick, feeling faint or dizzy, tingling fingers, shivering or shaking, racing heart and irregular heartbeat.

Price: £15

Organiser's website: https://www.goodhealth.global/

Ticket link: https://www.goodhealth.global/event-details/panic-attacks

Contact Name: Galia Georgieva

Contact Email: home@goodhealth.global