Sun 24 November, 2019 10:00 am - 11:45 am
Meeting Room
This lecture will provide you some take home messages what causes addictions and the stages of addiction recovery focusing on areas of discussion that are relevant to smoking, junk food and gambling addictions.
Addictions have robbed you of money, energy, health, and having a sense of control over your life.
Out of every 100 000 people around the world, 111 are estimated to die from tobacco-related causes and 7 from illegal causes. Globally, the amount of ill health and number of deaths associated with tobacco use is higher than for illegal drug use.
(The Global statistics on Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit Drug Use: 2017 Status Report)
46% of Brits have gambled in some way in the last 4 weeks. Gambling addiction is estimated to cost the UK up to £1.2 billion per year.
(Gambling commission, Office of National Statistics)
Eight in 10 men and almost 7 in 10 women in Britain will be overweight or obese by 2020. Cases of devastating health conditions like heart disease, diabetes and stroke will increase with the nation’s waistlines.
(Government-commissioned Foresight report)
Price: £15
Organiser's website: https://www.goodhealth.global/
Ticket link: https://www.goodhealth.global/event-details/understanding-addictions
Contact Name: Galia Georgieva
Contact Email: home@goodhealth.global