Sun 1 December, 2019 1:10 pm - 2:30 pm
Meeting Room
This lecture will concentrate on emotional pain and insensitivity undermine people’s confidence, esteem, self-worth and sense of efficacy. Toxic feelings like jealousy and anger consist of three dimensions: emotional, cognitive, and behavioural and at their worst they can escalate to incapability of empathy and expression of negative emotions directed at relationship threats.
45% of staff regularly lose their temper at work. 53% of people have been the victims of bullying at work. (Anger Statistics, The British Association of Anger Management)
The latest figures from the Crime Survey for England and Wales show an estimated 2.0 million adults aged 16 to 59 years experience domestic abuse (1.3 million women, 695 000 men).
Price: £15
Organiser's website: https://www.goodhealth.global/
Ticket link: https://www.goodhealth.global/event-details/toxic-emotions-aggression
Contact Name: Galia Georgieva
Contact Email: home@goodhealth.global