Sun 4 March, 2018 - Sat 14 April, 2018 All Day
Living Room
The Urban Swifts knitted project has landed back at the Mill before flying on to care homes across the borough. Initiated and developed by residents local to the Walthamstow Wetlands at Waterside, designed and led by textile artist Deirdre Nelson and knitted by the community of knitters at The Mill, Coppermill Lane.
The exhibition will feature 300 pictures of the 1000Swifts trail that developed from Urban Swifts and spread across Walthamstow linking 3,100 makers in the community with the plight of the urban Swift. Come and see if your Swift is amongst them.
During the show, you can visit Deirdre Nelson’s caravan, an exhibition of her Wetland residency last summer inspired by both William Morris and nature and life in the Wetlands – digging ever deeper into our relationship with the earth. The caravan will be parked outside The Mill and open for tea at specific times.
Join us to meet the artists at The Mill on Sunday 4 March 2018 from 1.30 – 4pm.
Please come and join us as we celebrate Swifts over Walthamstow in time for their arrival at the end of April!