Thu 6 October, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Garden Room
These workshops will create a safe and supportive space for women to think about how things are going for them and any changes they might want to make in their lives. This could be about their family or personal life and relationships, their working life or their physical or emotional health. Personal development plans are a useful tool for looking at different aspects of your life and planning changes where you feel you would like to.
Personal Development Plans are introduced in week 1, week 2 will focus on developing skills in Public Speaking and Presentations and week 3 will help you to do your best in applying for jobs and at job interviews.
Week 1 Thursday 6th Oct Introducing Personal Development Plans
Week 2 Thursday 13th October Public Speaking and Presentations
Week 3 Thursday 20th October Job applications and Interviews
Join all three or pick and choose the ones you are interested in.
To book a place contact Sharon Goldman sharonagoldman88@gmail.com
If you have any questions please do email me.
With support from:
Price: free
Contact Name: Sharon Goldman
Contact Email: sharonagoldman88@gmail.com