\”Finding Me …….. discovering what my body can do \”

\"Finding Me    ........ discovering what my body can do \"

Fri 23 October, 2020 11:00 am - 12:00 pm



“Tired of lock-down?  Saddened by events? Frustrated by your body which no longer does what you want ?

Join this on-line gentle seated dance class. Learn, together with others, to connect with your body in this very gentle seated dance class to increase your confidence and physical freedom.

We’ll use breathing, imagination and gentle movement, whilst sitting down  following the Chantraine  approach which includes aspects of different dance styles  –   with great music.

To take part please phone or email Olexandra, using the contact details below, so that she can send you the Zoom details.

This “Milling About Activity ” is  commissioned by The Mill, supported by the London Community Response Fund, administered by City Bridge Trust.

Price: FREE

Organiser's website: https://chantrainedance.com/

Contact Name: olexandra

Contact Phone number: 07584294373

Contact Email: Olexandra.Stepaniuk@gmail.com