Sun 15 December, 2019 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Meeting Room
This lecture will explore the extraordinary power of subconscious mind in dramatising problems and assimilating material only partially comprehended by the conscious mind. According to extensive scientific research, at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, Mount Sinai Hospital, Walter Reed Institute of Research, monitoring the nightly sleep of thousands of volunteers it has been conclusively proved that everybody dreams every night.
Most of dreams occur between 2am and 7am. By this time digestion has usually been completed, your body muscles are usually relaxed, and your mind is mainly free of the day’s events.
Focusing your attention on dreams lead to discoveries that will help you to receive mental clarity, emotional stability and understand better events and relationships you repeatedly recreate in your life.
Price: £15
Organiser's website: https://www.goodhealth.global/
Ticket link: https://www.goodhealth.global/event-details/dreaming-self-awareness
Contact Name: Galia Georgieva
Contact Email: home@goodhealth.global