What’s On this week 27th August

Bank Holiday is over, but at The Mill all week, we are still getting arty-our latest art show is the Waltham Forest Arts Club Summer Exhibition-and on Thursday for children we have the last one of the summer holiday drop in art club. Make some arty stuff with Mo!

Tuesday from 10 visit the ‘Job Shop’ – Get working : Community Links can help with CV’s and job searches, come in to see if you qualify -details here
Wednesday at 10- Gain confidence in spoken English with Mair Davies while Adele is taking a break.
Wednesday from 1pm, Waltham Forest Advice Surgery will be here: this is an opportunity for residents to access Waltham Forest Direct services at The Mill info here
Thursday Coppermill Poets are here from 7.30 and don’t forget you can still submit a poem for The Mill’s anthology (details here) so if you need help, this could be the place to be?

Come in any day to catch up with local news and events on our poster board, make a refreshing cup of tea (we have fruit squash too).