What`s Love – 12th to 17th February

Love is in the air , love is in the air. Valentines day approaches and this week you can make your very own Valentines Card or paint a very special painting for your loved one  in the drop in session on Thursday at 3.30pm. Parents, Carers and children welcome.

If you love your hobbies and interests and cannot get enough of it, then you better join us and enjoy The Mill`s great favorite activities such as learning with Spanish For You,  practicing English with the English conversational group, stretching and toning in Yoga, learning some Guitar with Sevan. Let us not forget about your little ones. Bring them to Wriggly Rhythms  and or at Music with Jo and her Cello. Also children can come and have lots of fun in our  Creative Dance Workshop. (Please call 020 85213211 to book a place)

And one question … do you Love Walthamstow????………..Yes you do and guess what , we do too!!! To celebrate this emotion of love  we have a new exhibition on 14th February boasting exuberant mixture of photographs, prints, paintings, fabric art, drawings,a piece of stone carving, plus words and images from some young people from our town. Wow, amazing, so pop in, drink a cuppa and enjoy being in love with The Mill!!!!!! For more details of great things happening this week including poetry with the Coppermill Poets, click here.

We Heart Walthamstow