10 Feb – Young People at The Mill, an asset-mapping workshop


Are you aged 16 – 24? Do you work with young people as a teacher, mentor or in some other capacity? Are you interested in getting young people involved with their community, and in helping them make their ideas happen?

If so, I’d like to invite you to a unique and exiting opportunity to work with researchers from the Royal College of Art who are helping The Mill find ways to attract and appeal to more young people in Walthamstow.

They will be holding a 2-hour workshop on Sunday 10th February, 2-4:30pm with people invitationin this project. As a young person involved in The Mill, or as someone who has worked with young people, you are uniquely placed to help The Mill reach out to other young people.The workshop will seek to uncover local assets that can be deployed to help young people become involved with The Mill. Assets can include your time and skills, use of media, and the people or groups that you know in the area.

The asset map will be an important starting point for the next stage in March, where ideas for engaging local people will start to develop.The researchers have designed this workshop to be a creative and engaging activity, and, of course refreshments will be provided!