Making a Buzz Family Fun Day and The Plight of the Bumblebee Film

White Tailed Bumblebee QueenBumblebee Conservation Trust

Tuesday 29 March 2016
10am – 5pm
All ages

Come along and find out what the Bumblebee Conservation Trust is doing to keep our bees buzzing at the Thames Water site, Coppermill Lane. Join us at The Mill for storytelling, arts and crafts, seed planting, gardening for bees as well as a presentation on the plight of the bumblebee. All welcome – there’s something for everyone.

Making a buzz – The Plight of the Bumblebee Film

Tuesday 29 March 2016
5pm – 6.30pm
For anyone aged 16+

Thames Water and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust have joined together to provide an evening presentation on the Plight of the Bumblebee and the habitat creation work taking place on the Thames Water site, Coppermill Lane to help our declining bees.

The presentation is suitable for anyone aged 16+.  There is a maximum of 35 places available, so please ensure you are early to get a seat.